08 June, 2010

Day four, five and six

I have now been ranch training since sunday. The horses are lovely, as are the councellors. Since moving in to Camp Hide-away i have been living in luxury (yay!) as it is all newly done, centrally heated (it's been quite cold recently) and has several common rooms between cabins.

Food has improved immensely, and is super delicious which makes me have to watch i don't eat too much! haha, no it's okay we do so much exercise in a day - getting very fit. I have recently discovered the joys of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches too. Never sounded awfully appealling to my back home, but is actually very delicious. Also a common is potato bread instead of white... never tried it.

We have beavers, bears, and wild turkeys here too! The turkeys were quite sweet to see wandering around, but i haven't seen bears or beavers yet.

I rode a chestnut quarter horse (like Kacey! - not as pretty though) yesterday named Josie. She was very sweet. We are just working on learning how to feed, muck out stables, and ride the American Camp way.

I climbed Death Mountain (actually, it's been renamed "Sunrise Mountain") yesterday - very pretty from the top, where there is a treehouse amongst the maple trees, which are everywhere. I also saw these wierd little gecko-like things that were brilliant fluro orange, with red spots, and walked as if they were severely mutated. Interesting.

I have now been drug tested too and was taken to town yesterday to look around.

I'll try keep you updated - love elise!


  1. Sounds very nice. Luckily you've got some cosy cabins - you'll have to show I a photo!
    I'm so busy with uni... I don't know if I'll get the extension I need... so I better get back to it. :)

  2. Hi Elise,
    I'd love to see a beaver, but a bear? - only from a long way off. Have you had information about how to avoid confrontation with a bear?
    Sounds like you're very busy. Looking forward to hearing more.

  3. Hi la!! Ohhh, good luck my little one! I hope you get it. We are working hard together, just halfway across the world from eachother - i'll send you my brain strength you send your physical strength!

    Hi dad! Yes I agree... i was in the same room as one yesterday without even realising! I thought it was the cleaner. (i missed out on actually seeing it though). and no - they havn't talked to us at all about avoiding confrontations with bears/raccoons/skunks/etc. yet. i hope they do though, as we have a overnight staff riding camp coming up!

    Love elise

  4. Sounds like fun!! I want to post a picture! But how??! :(
