30 May, 2010

four days before

Connecticut - The Nutmeg State

The origins of the nutmeg connection to Connecticut are unknown. It may have come from its sailors returning from voyages with nutmeg (which in the 18th and 19th centuries was a very valuable spice). It may have originated in the early machined sheet tin nutmeg grinders sold by early Connecticut peddlers. It is also facetiously said to come from Yankee peddlers from Connecticut who would sell small carved nobs of wood shaped to look like nutmeg to unsuspecting customers.

I used to have a guinea pig called Nutmeg.

1 comment:

  1. You also had guinea pigs called: Black Velvet, Chester, Hamish, Winston, Woolsey, Smudge, Chestnut Sox, Junior, Pumpkin, Baby Blaze, Blaze, Midnight, Creme Caramel and many more - I can't remember them all. At one stage we had 20 of them - 8 girls in cages and 12 boys free ranging our garden! They ate the lawn turf we had put in especially for a party but they were all cute.
