14 October, 2010

checagou ("wild onions")

i sit here, next to mum, on a couch, watching "Man V Food" (ridiculous show about an American filling himself with lard, with a side of lard), with a lovely full tummy, writing about the last fourish days in Chicago.

chicago is a combination of leafy apartments in suburbia, strips of "rust belt" and ghetto neighbourhoods, a hive of incredible architecture, and a happening downtown of sky-high buildings puncturing the blue. And it's all perched on the side of the massive Lake Michigan.

To both kick-off and close our lovely time here, we visited our 'local' japanese restaurant, Ukai, where we tasted exquisite japanese-fusion foods, cheaply and (for once) in a respectable serving size! Included in our tastings was grilled eel, hanger steak, air yuzu, gomae and other complex delicacies.

ta ta ta ta ta... i am actually wondering whether it's really particularly interesting reading what i am doing? probably not. i'll leave it here i think...


  1. I really like reading your stories!! I read them a lot! I know some other people do too, for instance my dA friend does. I love that picture. It makes moosh watery!

  2. oh goodo haha. i wasn't sure if anyone was reading them. i'll continue then :)

  3. I also read and enjoy your writing - it's really good! Now that we are over here wth you I haven't had as much time to read but I am catching up tonight after our wonderful few days in Texas and today's treat of lunch and wine with Scott at Sonoma.
